Four Methods to Maximize Visibility with Google Ads


With the growing popularity of using Google Ads and other search engine marketing methods to spread your message, it is important to grasp its basic functions. It’s no surprise that the internet is always changing, so to stay relevant, you have to adapt to these conformities as well. This blog will help you gain clarity as you go forth exposing your business to the most popular search engine in the world.


Like the main factor in many marketing campaigns, knowing your audience is key to gain the most visibility. Eliminate the frustration of wasting your click spend on people who simply would never convert. With the ability to examine the demographics of most people that click on your ad, you can use this information to modify where and when you will be seen. A user’s interest profile can be made up for each individual browsing the web. These profiles can then be summed up and targeted if they are likely to have an interest in your services. This is known as an “affinity audiences.” It is even possible to gain the attention of people who are at the bottom of the funnel for a product or service similar to what you are selling. There are many ways to pinpoint who you want to be visible to. Use these to your advantage to increase conversions.


If you desire to be highly regarded while using Google Ads, then the direction you go in bidding will play a big role. Manual and automated bidding are two different routes to take with many branches falling beneath them.

If your intuition serves you right, manual bidding can be the way to go. This involves making bid increases or decreases based on factors like how your past keywords performed or how well the position of your previous ad benefited you. With this type of bidding, you can quickly run an auction insights report that will evaluate what’s working and what’s not to optimize accordingly. Although this method has proven effective, it can be a lengthy, time-consuming process.

In an automatic bidding setup, you hand over your control to algorithmic factors to take charge of your ad campaigns. Here, Google examines what bid to use from your predetermined bid range depending on your established clicks and conversions. Although this may sound like the easier option, it disables you from bidding on any specific keyword that you personally know would be beneficial for your ad. This can lower your Google ranking.


Google Analytics can also give you a look into what is effective and what needs to be changed in your Google Ads campaign. Since it is possible to discover who is visiting your website from Google Ads, you can see how potential customers react to your content. Analytics can also help identify what a good landing page is, and how effective your keywords are which impacts quality score. Running a variety of reports will allow you to adjust your bids accordingly, see where you stand amongst your competition and learn what is trending.


Quality score should also be taken into account which will evaluate your ads worthiness of being shown in the sponsored area and the location of which it will be shown there. Quality score also sets the bar for how much you will pay per click. This score is a measure of – you guessed it – the quality of your ad as well as if it is relevant to what the user is searching for. Having successful keywords will allow you to achieve the score you’re hoping for. Based on a scale of 1-10, 7 is what most companies realistically aim for, with anything above that taking difficult effort to achieve that could be spent elsewhere to maximize your visibility.

With a little more insight than before on what makes your Google Ad visible, it is now achievable to be seen on the first page of the search engine. Commit to your quality score by being relevant to what your target audience is searching for. Decide which bidding option to use by determining what you want to convey to your audience while using Google Analytics to measure your performance. Ultimately, you will do what is most effective to drive traffic to your website while increasing conversions – a high priority for any business.

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